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Owner Information Input Form


Address of the property to be managed:
(If you have multiple properties, You can add them at the end of this form)

Owner Information:
(If you have multiple properties, You can add them at the end of this form)

​Mailing Address (Owner 1)

Additional Owner(s)

Please fill out additional owner info if there are multiple owners.

Mailing Address (Owner 2)

Is the home owned by a Trust, LLC or Corp?

LLC or Corp Mailing Address
(If different than Owner 1)

Are all owners/managers of the LLC or Corp listed above?

If no, then please contact Moxie Real Estate.

Does the owner already have a TPT account with the Arizona Department of Revenue?


Click here if you would rather a paper check be mailed to your mailing address above
If YES for a PAPER CHECK, which mailing address should it be sent to?

Electronic Funds Transfer Setup

Yes, I would rather have an ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER directly to my bank account (provided below)
Is this account a Checking Or Savings
Upload File
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